Us: What’s the best thing to do to keep warm in the snow?
Them: We are Russians so cold weather is paradise for us, but when it’s really really cold -30-45 degrees - the best way to keep warm is to run and run fast and play. But mom and dad also give us a vest on when it’s that cold.
Us: Do you prefer city life or wilderness? And why?
Them: We prefer the wilderness now there is two of us. Without each other it could be a little lonely. There is many good thing about living in the city. We grew up in the middle of Copenhagen so we know. If there is one thing we miss from the town it’s our dog friends. But to run out here in this amazing landscape like our native landscape it’s hard to beat.
Us: Best thing about your brother, and best thing about your sister?
Them: My brother is so patient with me and very kind, even when I’m a bit annoying sometimes, but I’m his little sister so what’s not to like!
My little sister is the best company. She’s always ready to play and hunt me down. It’s so much fun. But we can agree on that we are the best friends and can’t live without each other️
Us: Favourite things to do in Jamtland?
Them: Walking with mom and dad out in the mountains, smelling all the footprints after the wild animals and have a run in the snow.
Us: One thing people should know about both?
Them: We are quite a tough breed. Many think sighthounds are freezing all the time but we are made for the cold. My little sister wants to sleep every night between mom and dad. Mom has had dogs all her life but she said we are the most clever dogs of them all!